Tuesday , 22 October 2024

Smite 2 Closed Alpha 4 Datamining – Talents, Ra and Khepri

Smite 2 Closed Alpha 4 Datamining

Data mining provides early insights into what Hi-Rez is developing. However, the data retrieved may not always be crystal clear, leading to potential misinterpretations or inaccuracies. It’s essential to acknowledge that this data is subject to change or may never make it into the final build. Therefore, while skin and content information is typically reliable, details regarding gods, items and game modes can occasionally be inaccurate.

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  • Added previous CA3 datamining
  • Added Ra Abilities
  • Added Khepri Abilities
  • Added Talents


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Voices of Smite

Voices of Smite allows you to listen all sound files from deities and skins. It also features a VGS simulator so you can practice VGS commands.

New Skins / Cosmetics

  • Unknown Patch
    • Amaterasu – Fox (Skin 2) – Smite 1 Classic (Legacy Gems)
    • Amaterasu – Unknown (Skin 3)
    • Athena – Demon Scourge (Skin 2) – Smite 1 Classic
    • Bacchus – Barbarian (Skin 3) – Unreleased in Smite 1
    • Bellona – Miss Senshi (Skin2) – Smite 1 Classic 
    • Bellona – Jade Dragons SWC (Skin3)
    • Cernunnos – Samhain (Skin 2) – Smite 1 Classic
    • Cernunnos – Unknown (Skin 3)
    • Hades – Oni (Skin 2) – Unreleased in Smite 1
    • Hercules – Demon – Unreleased in Smite 1
    • Mordred – Lich (Skin 1) – Smite 2 Only Skin
    • Neith – Sharpshooter (Skin 3) –Smite 1 Classic
    • Neith – Unknown (Skin 4) – Smite 1 Cross Gen
    • Nu Wa – Dark Supreme (Skin 1) – Smite 1 Cross Gen
    • Nu Wa – Playful Bunny (Skin 2) – Smite 1 Cross Gen
    • Odin – Demon (Skin 3) – Unreleased in Smite 1
    • Sol – Unknowm (Skin 2) – Unreleased in Smite 1
    • Susano – Steel Samurai (Skin 3) – Smite 1 Cross Gen
    • The Morrigan – SPF 666 (Skin 2) – Smite 1 Classic
  • Unreleased Gods in Smite 2
    • Awilix – Cyber – Unreleased in Smite 1

Pink text highlights what’s new from this pts datamining vs what remains from previous datamining.



  • Daily quests
    • Daily/Weekly quests are being added soon
    • Shown in main menu with current progress
    • Damage Dealth Quest
    • Stealth Seconds Quest
    • Kill Minions Quest
    • Minotaurs Destroyed Quest
    • Time in Grass Quest
  • Settings
    • Legacy Name
      • Seems like we will have the option to set legacy name (Already in)
    • Auto Swap Shoulder
      • When enabled, your character will automatically change position based on nearby cover.
      • This should be the equivalent of left/right hand in shooters I guess
    • CrossPlay option
      • Seems like we will be able to choose if we want to play with other platform users
  • Shop
    • There’s a refreshing shop feature, not sure if it’s planned for temp items like fortnite/rogue company or it’s just for offers like in smite 1.
  • Chat is now being worked on
    • Chat window
    • VGS will be visible inside chat
    • Unknown if log combat will be added
  • Joust
    • Joust is being made with Arthurian art style
    • There’s an NPC Ballista
    • The Game mode has a bar that is filled during time and god kills
    • Enemy towers are disabled once the bar is filled
    • 3 Buff types
    • Purple buff seems to have multiple creatures, it fills with time, if it’s full then it will keep spawning creatures until it’s empty.
    • Each monster kill from purple buff gives you Attack Speed & Pen % that stacks.
    • Each stack is lost after 5s, 1 by 1.
    • The other 2 (Red & Blue are normal buffs)
    • Lost Knight Buff
  • Ranked Arena


Talents are a new system Hi-Rez is introducing into Smite 2. This system allows you to choose between different talent options that will apply, or modify, how your abilities behave.

For the moment we only know talents for Anhur and it is unknown on how many abilities you will be able to apply the talent or how many talents you will have available.

My guess is that you choose from 2 talent options to change ONE ability, so you choose one play style or another.

  • Notes:
    • Talents are permanente, so it’s probably 1 per match, probably selected in lobby or loadout.
    • There’s no cooldown neither anything that relates to purchase, sell or switch talents ingame
  • Anhur
    • This is not confirmed, but looks like the talent is modifying Anhur’s pillar ability behaviour.
    • Talent 1:
      • Root Duration: 1.5s
      • Cripple Duration: 1.5s
    • Talent 2:
      • Can stack up to 20 times
      • Buff Duration: 2s
      • Attack Speed per Stack: 10


Deity 134 – Bari

Bari is the next deity after Aladdin. Should be Korean Pantheon

Princess Bari, also known as Bari Gongju, is a significant deity in Korean shamanism and folklore. She is often referred to as the “Abandoned Princess” or “Baridegi,” a name that underscores her origins and story. According to the myth, she was the seventh daughter of a king and queen who abandoned her at birth because they desired a son. However, she was later revealed to possess extraordinary spiritual powers.
As she grew up, Princess Bari undertook a perilous journey to the underworld to retrieve the elixir of life to save her dying parents. Her story symbolizes themes of filial piety, perseverance, and redemption. In Korean shamanic rituals, she is revered as a goddess who guides the dead to the afterlife, providing solace and spiritual guidance. Her narrative is an essential part of Korean cultural heritage, reflecting deep-rooted values and the significance of female deities in Korean spirituality.
  • They’re using Neith as template for Bari
  • Basic Attack
    • Physical Damage
    • Projectile Basic Attack
    • Range: 8.8 m
  • Ability 2
    • This ability seems to use Anhur’s 2 as placeholder, so we can expect a similar ability.
    • Cone Attack
  • Ability 4
    • Has Death Immunity
    • This ability seems to be a deployable that lasts for 5 seconds
    • Area ability
    • Magical Scaling: 85%
    • Heal Scaling: 10%

Deity 133 – Aladdin


  • General Info
    • He seems to be support -> jungler
  •  Genie
    • The only track about the genie is that he’s spawned when returning to fountain.
  • Basic Attack
    • Aladdin’s basic attack is a chain of 5 attacks.
    • The first 2 are slow and high damage
    • The other 3 are faster doing less damage
    • The basic attack damages enemies in area (Cone attack)
  • Passive
    • Aladin uses the Lamp for up to 3 wishes during the match. Only 1 use each.
    • Aladdin’s Lamp seems to have its own stats, since ultimate spawns it, maybe even killable. It scales 20% with items.
    • Aladdin passive grants him an item. When you use the item (lamp) your abilities get switched to 3 wishes, which you can trigger pressing 1,2 or 3.
  • Ability 1
    • Aladdin can load this ability for 2 different targeters.
    • First one is a multi projectile and second one is a single projectile targeter damaging all enemies that goes through.
    • Firing the ability early makes less damage, waiting for it to be fully loaded increases damage and scaling.
    • Aladdin can refire the ability again and the projectiles go back to him damaging enemies it passes through.
    • Also, the Genie’s Lamp is spawned and does some damage and effects.
    • Small Projectile Damage: 50/78/168
    • Small Projectile Scaling: 60%
    • Large Projectile Damage: 96/336
    • Large Projectile Damage Scaling: 100%
    • Small Projectile Damage Weakened: 20/84
    • Small Projectile Scaling Weakened: 30%
    • Range: 4m
  • Ability 2
    • Dashes forward
    • Damages enemies through the dash
    • If dash collides with a wall, Aladdin climbs it (vertically and horizontally). Once Aladdin is in the wall you can aim to the ground with a circle area. If pressed, Aladdins jumps and lands into the ground damaing enemies in area.
    • When horizontally he runs in the wall
    • This ability has some switch state depending if Aladdin is in Genie form, so I guess he can turn into Genie somehow (probably with the Wishes)
    • Dash Damage: 84/300
    • Dash Scaling: 90%
  • Ability 3
    • Leap ability
    • Damages on landing
    • Damage: 84 to 324 (+85%)
  • Ability 4
    • Aladdin throws the Genie’s lamp forward into an enemy, hitting the first enemy it hits and doing damage.
    • If you hit an enemy, a lamp is spawned in the ground.
    • You and the targeted enemy are transported inside the lamp
    • The lamp has some kind of towers, which probably will be some kind of arabic scenario.
    • Once finished, both gods are returned to same position
    • Range: 4m
    • Projectile Damage: 140/460
    • Projectile Scaling: 100%
    • Speed Buff: 25%
    • Attack Speed Buff: 20/30%
    • Damage Buff: 8/20%
    • Cooldown: 80
    • Cost: 50/70

God Release Schedule & Smite 1 Gods

As we predicted, Hi-Rez has announced their plan to go from 25 gods to 50 in January, starting with faster and more gods release in CA6 (Around 8-12 weeks of work to get the new gods done).

  • Closed Alpha 5 – ~November 19
    • 30- Ra (100%)
    • 31 – Khepri (99%)
    • 32 – Nemesis (75+%)
    • 33 – Sobek (75+%)
  • Closed Alpha 6 – ~December 10
    • 34 – Izanami (30-50%) -> Moved down since November is covered
    • 35 – Poseidon (30-50%) 
    • 36 – Thor (30-50%) 
    • 37 – Aphrodite (30-50%) 
  • January 50 Gods List
    • We assume the new gods added are from this list so we added them here.
    • I know the list goes up to 54 so at least 4 of them are wrong, we’ll see if we can guess them once we’re close to date.
    • 38 – Aladdin (60%)  -> Received some updates, still unclear if he’s coming Dec or Jan
    • 39 – Achilles
    • 40 – Agni
    • 41 – Ah Puch
    • 42 – Cabrakan
    • 43 – Cupid
    • 44 – Ganesha
    • 45 – Guan Yu
    • 46 – Hun Batz
    • 47 – Medusa
    • 48 – Mulan
    • 49 – Pele (30-50%) -> Moved back to january as no advances for now
    • 50 – Rama
    • 51 – Sun Wukong
    • 52 – Ullr
    • 53 – Vulcan
  • Appeared in files but no priority (Basically Delayed for 2025+)
    • Some gods from this list may have been delayed, we will keep them here until we are sure they are coming.
    • Arthur -> Delayed, he was really advanced but gone
    • Hou Yi
    • Kali -> Unsure what happened with Kali, she was like 60-70% but fully disappeared, I guess she’s delayed
    • Ratatoskr

  • Deity 30 – Ra

  • Basic Attack
    • No changes detected
  • Trackers
    • Seared with Pain – Number of Gods killed with Searing Pain.
    • Traveling at Max Speed – Total Distance traveled while Ra is at full stacks of Speed of Light
  •  Passive
    • After using an ability gain Movement Speed. • This buff stacks up to 3 times
  • Ability 1
    • Summon a moving beam of intense light, dealing  95 to 335 [100% INT] Magical Damage to enemies.”
    • Projectile passes through and damages all enemies, and passes through walls.
    • Summon a moving beam of intense light, dealing Magical Damage to enemies.
  • Ability 2
    • Emanate light in the area around you that repeatedly Slows enemies before exploding dealing 70 to 270 [70% INT] Magical Damage
      • For 4 seconds after activation, basic attacking fires solar orbs dealing 50 to 170 [30% INT] Magical Damage
      • The orbs count as abilities and trigger ability effects
      • Enemies looking at you gain additional Slowstacks and are Blinded by the explosion
    • A Slow stack is applied every 0.5 seconds.
    • Slows 5%
  • Ability 3
    • Summon a pillar of blessed light repeatedly dealing 20 to 68 [35% INT] Magical Damage and Healing allies for 10 to 60 Health
      • The light empowers you and allied gods in the area, granting Strength, Intelligence, Physical Protection, and Magical Protection
    • Magical Protections: 10 to 30
    • Strength: 10 to 30
    • Int: 20 to 40
  • Ability 4
    • Blast enemies in front of you with a wave of extreme heat, dealing 400 to 700 [110% INT] Magical Damage
      • Deals bonus damage to gods based on their maximum Health

Deity 31 – Khepri

  • Passive
    • Every 5s apply a Health Shield to yourself and nearby allies.
    • The interval is increased to 10s if you have taken or dealt damage in the last 5s
  • Ability 1
    • Lunge forward, grabbing and pulling backwards the first enemy god hit. This deals 80/130/180/230/280 [40% INT] Magical Damage
      • Gain Physical Protection and Magical Protection while pulling a god
      • The lunge damages enemies you pass through
    • Protections: 10/15/20/25/30
    • Enemies are Silenced for the duration of the pull
  • Ability 2
    • Roll the sun forward, setting ablaze all enemies it touches.
      • Affected enemies repeatedly take 10/14/18/22/26 [5% INT] Magical Damage over time
      • Affected enemies have reduced Physical Protection
      • Allies hit gain Damage Mitigation
      • After reaching max distance the sun sets, reapplying all effects in a larger area.
    • Damage over time: 3s
    • Damage tick rate: 0.3s
    • Physical Protection Reduction: -5/-10/-15-/-20/-25%
    • Damage Mitigation Percent: 10/15/20/25/30%
  • Ability 3
    •  Call down the sun’s ire, dealing 60/115/170/225/280 [30% INT] Magical Damage to enemies in an area.
      • Enemies hit are Rooted
    • Root Duration: 1.5/1.6/1.7/1.8/1.9
  • Ability 4
    • Bless an allied god for 5s. If the blessed ally would die while blessed, they are instead revived.
      • Blessed allies are cleansed of crowd control effects
      • Blessed allies receive Strength, Intelligence, and Movement Speed
      • Blessed allies are Slow Immune
    • Revive Health Percent: 20/25/30/35/40%
    • Speed: 20/22.5/25/27.5/30
    • STR Buff: 5/10/15/20/25
    • INT Buff: 5/10/15/20/25


Deity 32 – Nemesis

  • Trackers
    • Enemies Judged – Total number of enemy gods killed while they were affected by Divine Judgement
    • Retribution Executed – Total damage dealth with Retribution


Deity 33 – Sobek

  • Trackers
    • Gods Plucked – Number of Gods affected by Charge Prey
    • Lurk Kills – Number of Gods killed by Lurking in the Waters


Deity 34 – Izanami

Izanami is pretty much advanced and has some value differences compared to Smite 1.

  • Trackers
    • Death Draws Nigh – Total time spent with 50 stacks of Death Draws Night
    • Sickle Double Hits – Enemies damaged by both the throw and return of a single basic attack.
  • Basic Attack
    • No changes detected
    • Sickle Storm Attack
      • No changes detected
      • Bonus Damage per level: 4
      • Debuff Duration: 2s
      • Increased % Damage Taken per Stack: 5
  • Passive – Death Draws Nigh
    • No changes detected
  • Ability 1
    • No changes detected
  • Ability 2
    • INT Scaling: 40% (keeps the STR Scaling too)
    • Slow: 20/22.5/25/27.5/30
    • Slow: 2s
    • Mana Cost: 50/55/60/65/70
  • Ability 3
    • Has Speed Buff during Stealth
    • Movement Speed: 20/25/30/35/40%
    • Mana Cost: 50/55/60/65/70
  • Ability 4
    • Damage: 200 to 540 (+100% STR and +30% INT Scaling)
    • Damage over Time: 10 (+12.5% INT Scaling)
    • Slow per Stack: 10%
    • Apparently this ability now applies slow for each hit?
    • Applies silence too, no changes on that.

About FAERayo

Datamining Smite since 2013 and Paladins since 2015.Game dev

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