Egypt event is about to arrive with a new system of event and a new reward, background.
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Egypt Event
2 Weeks ago, the user arachlm posted an image he found in twitter. It was a sneak peak of an egypt event we didn’t see in the files until this week.
This event seems to be something separated from Smite Adventures, It’s probably going to be active during the 2 weeks from Challenge 1 and Challenge 2 from Smite Adventures, maybe it lasts longer? or maybe it comes later?.
Egypt Event Bundle
We don’t know yet if we have to pay a price to unlock it, but these are the rewards included in the event bundle.
- Egyptian Event Reward Bundle
- Loading Frame
- Loading Screen (Theory says it’s for cards loading background, Smite Adventure’s changed it for first time)
- Music Theme
- Pedestal
- Egyptian Event Theme (Unknown for now)
- Celestial Portal (Unknown for now)
Egypt Event Skins & Craft
There’s something called Crafting in the event. There are different skins available (We don’t know yet if you must buy them or you unlock them) and they work as a bundle including a Craft Token.
- Egyptian Neith Skin + Craft Token
- Egyptian Anhur Skin + Craft Token
- Egyptian Khepri Skin + Craft Token
- Egyptian Bastet Skin + Craft Token
- Thoth Skin (It’s not mentioned as a bundle or anything, we guess it’s a final reward for completing the event or something like so)
Egypt Event Hieroglyhps
We also have Hieroglyphs to craft or unlock with crafting, not sure yet as it doesn’t reveal too much info. All we know is Hieroglyphs unlocks you a quest.
- Basket Hieroglyph
- Quest – Earn 40,000 Gold.
- Bread hieroglyph
- Get 1 FWOTD.
- Get 8 objective kills as a team in Conquest or Joust.
- Chick Hieroglyph
- Quest – Deal 30,000 Damage.
- Folded Cloth Hieroglyph
- Earn 30,000 Gold.
- Foot Hieroglyph
- Mitigate 30,000 Damage.
- Mat Hieroglyph
- Get 70 God Kills and Assists.
- Mouth Hieroglyph
- Deal 40,000 Damage
- Reed Hieroglyph
- Win 1 game of anything
- Twisted Flax Hieroglyph
- Play 1 Game of Clash.
- Vulture Hieroglyph
- Quest – Get 50 Assists
- Quest – Get 50 Kills and Assists.
- Water Hieroglyph
- Get 10 objective kills as a team in Conquest or Joust.