Saturday , 6 July 2024

SMITE PTS Datamining – Khepri, Joust, Zeus remodel, new skins and more!

Latest PTS Datamining, featuring more Khepri content and lot of skins.

Voice Packs

3D Models


Please read latest Khepri’s datamining post if you don’t want to miss any info.

Please read other latest Khepri’s datamining post if you don’t want to miss any info.

  • Physical god
  • Protection glyph / Scarab glyph
  • Radius passive
  • Targeting glyph
  • Khepri Targeter – offhand 3 scarab AOE buff teleport thing
  • Scarab
    • Actor as potential passenger, inneroccupants and potentialtimers (No damn idea)
    • It has collision
    • Deployable
    • Interacts with the flight skill, so probably you make this scarab flight.
    • Ticks
    • Can be destroyed, I think it means you can destroy it.
  • Abduct
    • It’s a Grab
    • Can be forced to grab earlier
    • Can be destroyed / interrupted
    • You can select a target (Not sure if aiming like sylvanus or automatically)
    • Once it’s grabbed you start crawling back
  • Scarab’s Flight
    • Deployable scarab, probably flighting
    • It’s ranged
    • Can use flight, so it’s probably optional
    • Has ticks
  • Ultimate (Faux Death)
    • Ultimate Target fake dies golden exposion 2 sec duration
    • Buff Revive

Zeus V2 (Redesign)

  • Overcharge v2 (Same passive)
  • Forked Lightning (Same as #1)
  • Lightning storm v2 (Same Ulti)

Joust Bosses

  • Gold Fury
  • We probably see a different version of gold fury, or gold fury + some new version of boss. There’s, one refers to gold fury, and the second refers to the first one.. so 🙂


  • All The Booty
    • Collect all of the pirate skins!
    • Collect 5 or more pirate skins!

New Remodels

  • Zeus V2
  • Loki V2

New Skins

  • Retrocles (Hercules Retro)
    • Achievements.Achievement_Special_Herc10M
  • Kali Pirate
    • Ahoy Landlubbers! Kali is coming for your booty!
  • Neith (Skin 5) – The instagram one
  • Medusa skin
  • Sylvanus Skin
  • Janus (Skin 3)
    • Janus_Mobile_Card

New Diamonds

  • Agni
  • Janus

Summer Event

  • Geb
    • Geb’s sandcastle is a work of art! Just look at that thing!

Ticket SPL / Announcer Packs

  • Nox Announcer Pack
  • Swagni Announcer Pack

New Cards

New Portraits

About FAERayo

Datamining Smite since 2013 and Paladins since 2015.Game dev

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Smite 2 – Alpha datamining

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