Saturday , 19 October 2024

Smite 10.12 Datamining – Deity 130 info

Season 10.12 PTS Datamining

Datamining is a way of obtaining early data on what Hi-Rez is working. Sometimes the data is not enough clear and our interpretation may be wrong or inaccurate. Due to this, please remember data may change or never reach final build, do not take datamining as real data but an estimation of what’s to come.

Skins and content is usually 100% accurate, but Gods and Gamemodes data is sometimes inaccurate.

Follow @SmiteDatamining for up to date news

Remember Post is also added to Reddit, I use it as main comment source! – Link to Reddit Post 


  • Added 10.11 Datamining
  • Added Skins
  • Added more info in g130

Smite Board – 3D Models & Voice Packs

Smite Board is a 3D Models & Voicepacks database site. It features also a VGS Simulator so you can hear the voice packs or just practice the VGS.


New Skins / Cosmetics

  • Unknown patch
    • Camazotz Skin
    • Cernunnos Skin
    • Chernobog (Skin 9)
    • Hades Skin
    • Heimdallr (Skin 8)
    • Hel skin
    • Janus Skin
    • Jing Wei Skin
    • Thor (Skin 19)
    • Ullr (Skin 13)
  • Patch 10.11
    • Sol Skin
  • Patch 10.12
    • Free Cupid skin in Quest Page
    • Battle Pass – Worlds
      • Announcer pack, Jump Stamp, Avatar, Player Title, WardMusic Theme, Death Stamp, Loading Frame, Recall
      • Battle Pass – Worlds – Goremiser
    • Colorforge part 2
    • Chests
      • Energy Punk
    • Others
      • Jump Stamp – Baby pool
      • Jump Stamp – Balloon Horse
    • Anhur Skin
    • Izanami Skin
    • Poseidon Skin -> Tier 5 bundle called Coolseidon
    • Sol Skin
    • Vulcan Skin
  • Patch 10.13
    • 10.13 seems to be divided in 2 parts, one for december and another for january
      • My guess is: December 10.13 part 1
      • January 10 10.3 part 2
      • January 25 11.1
    • God Release (Unknown)
      • Confirmed in 10.13 (Unknown if part 1 or part 2)
    • Events
      • Vshojo Part 2
      • Food Event
      • SWC Event
        • Jump Stamp, Global Emote, Recal Skin
      • Year 11 pass (10.13 Part 2)
      • Festival of Spirits (10.13 Part 2)
    • Chests
      • Foxy Archer
      • Dark Messenger
      • Mr Cosmic
    • Zentreya Fan Bundle
    • Artemis Skin
    • Awilix Skin
    • Bellona Skin
    • Gilgamesh Skin
    • Izanami Skin
    • Jorm Skin
    • Neith Skin
    • Odin Skin
    • Persephone Skin (Has plants?)
    • Ravana Skin
    • Scylla Skin
  • Patch 11.1 (Year 11)
    • Spooky Door Guard (It’s a bot, so must be an NPC, unknown if it’s for conquest)
    • Anubis Skin (Battlepass)
    • Fenrir Skin
    • King Arthur Skin
    • Yemoja Skin
  • Patch 11.2
    • Deity 130 Release (Unknown)
    • Aphrodite Skin
    • Ares Skin (Battlepass)
    • Hou Yi Skin
  • Patch 11.3
    • Chaac Skin (Skin 23)
    • Loki Skin (v2 Skin 24)
    • Nu Wa Skin
    • Susano Skin (Skin 18)

Pink text highlights what’s new from this pts datamining vs what remains from previous datamining.

God Changes

  • Set is receiving some improvements in #3 ability mainly to track things, probably for the new upcoming skin which would require heavy FX
  • Medusa too, has some changes in abilities to track stacks and pheromones FX (Tier 5 skin related) with 3 states and max state.

Year 11

  • Some mentions to Procedural Environment Props, labeled as Conquest Theme Year 11
    • There’s also a mention to Permanent props, this could mean that they’re configuring the map to be a bit more easier to replace props depending on seasons or themes.
    • Foliage like cypress, flowers, harpy eggs, mushrooms, palms, etc
    • Props like barrels, gold coins, skulls, rock stalagmites, wood
  • Conquest
    • Procedural Environment Props – Conquest Theme Y11
    • There seems to be a portal, which can be deployed and allows to teleport
    • A deployable Scepter (Indra’s Scepter?), no more info on that
    • A comet AOE damage (Maybe fire giant?)
    • There’s a bot name called Aspect of Astraios. We don’t currently know if this is related to G129 or just a new conquest enemy related to the portal
    • NPC Totem -> It’s a camp

New Game Mode – Kharon Kart

There’s a new map game mode, called Kharon Kart.

  • Unknown if it’s a standalone game mode or Odyssey game mode
  • Unknown if it’s Smite Kart, but the name.. 🙂

Deity 129 – Unknown


  • Release in 10.13
  • Other
    • Uses khepri as model for development
    • Uses Olorun stuff some materials
    • Uses artio stuff, like the bear and the staff
  •  Info
    • Magical Melee
    • Guardian
    • High Defense
  • Ability 1
    • It’s an Active ability
    • Has a slow, a heavy slow
    • Cripples
  • Ability 2
    • Attack Speed buff
  • Ability 3
    • Stuns
  • Ability 4 – Ultimate
    • Has some device effects called Bake and Marked, no more info for now

Deity 130 – Unknown

First mentions in files for Deity 130, which is season 11

  • Used Assets while developing
    • Uses Ishtar portrait
    • Uses arrow and blade materials fx
    • Cracks in ground fx
    • Some lightning and shockwave fx
    • Ganesha, Hachiman, Gilgamesh, Raijin (Skin 4), Ah Puch (skin 5) minion, Ishtar materials
  • Role Info
    • Physical, Hunter
    • High Attack Speed and Medium Area Damage
  • Has a deployable
  • Season 11 – God Line up

  • Deity 13x – Unknown
  • Deity 13x – Unknown
  • Deity 13x – Unknown
  • Deity 13x – Unknown
  • Deity 13x – Unknown

About FAERayo

Datamining Smite since 2013 and Paladins since 2015.Game dev

Check Also

Smite 11.10 Datamining – The End

Season 11.10 PTS Datamining

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