Smite 2 Open Beta 6 Patch Datamining
Remember Post is also added to Reddit, I use it as main comment source! – Link to Reddit Post
- Added previous OB5 datamining
- Added Events
- Added Skins
- Updated Gods
- Currently updated with latest Open Beta 6 Patch
- View latest top ranked matches
- Create your build Guides
- Create Tier Lists
Voices of Smite
Voices of Smite allows you to listen all sound files from deities and skins. It also features a VGS simulator so you can practice VGS commands.
- Merlin
- Guan Yu
Events & Cosmetics
- Wandering Market – Tidy Tails
- This is the second Collection for Wandering Market, there are butlers and maids to help you tidy up your act!
- Amaterasu & Izanami skin shown below
- Wandering Market – Special Collection 1
- July 2025
- Event – OB6 Lunar Eclipse Event
- Choose a side to continue the story.
- Khepri (Solar) Side – The eclipse looms. The cycle must not be disturbed. If the heavens fall into chaos, what then? We must maintain harmony.
- Awilix (Lunar) Side – You cling to the old ways, scarab. The night has been denied for too long! Let’s just have a bit of fun!
- Final Reward: Global Emote
- This event is available until April 14th.
- Quest 1: Play 10 matches with solar or lunar gods
- Quest 2: Use ultimate 30 times
- Quest 3: Kill 20 gods with magical damage
- You can use radiant (solar) and shadow (lunar) skins for each side
- There’s extra texts depending on which team wins, we’ll keep them unrevealed for surprise
- Event – OB7 Nuwa Bunny Event
- Easter egg event around April 20th
- Chest – Announcer Packs
- A collection of Classic SMITE announcer packs
- Chest – Bunny
- This is one bad bunny.
- Chest – Creatures
- Claim your creature! Cute, terrifying, or something in-between!
- Chest – Destiny
- Choose your destiny—hero or villain.
- Chest – Might Magic
- Steel or spell: claim your power and choose your champion!
- Chest – Stumble Blade
- Leap into battle. Sword and honor await.
- Chest – Tech
- Unlock the future—gear up for the battleground!
- Boosters
- Skin Booster: Everyone on your team unlocks a random skin for every god for the duration of the match
- Worshipper: x2 Worshippers for 1 match
- Unknown Patch Skins
- Anubis – Zoo (Model Below)
- Anubis – Hunter
- Amaterasu – Nova Hex (Legendary)
- Amaterasu – Unknown (Model Below)
- Artemis – Fletched Faun
- Athena – Queen of Pain (Skin 3)
- Bacchus – Barbarian (Skin 3) (Model Below)
- Bacchus – Frog Knight
- Bari – Scattered Visions (Model Below)
- Baron Samedi – Half Life (Skin 3)
- Bellona – Space Fantasy
- Cabrakan – Nerd Rage (Saint Patrick Event) (Skin 1)
- Camazotz – Batty
- Cupid – Elf Ranger
- Danzaburou – Mascot Butler
- Guan Yu – Ghost Reaper
- Hecate (2) – Maid of Midnight
- Hercules – Batter Up
- Hou Yi – Gleaming Archer
- Hua Mulan (3) – Wildstyle
- Izanami – Cyber Geisha
- Izanami – Bunny Maid
- Izanami – Pool Party
- Khepri – Dread Stalker
- Khepri – Chef’s Special
- King Arthur – Twisted Nightmare
- King Arthur – Roning
- Kukulkan – Void Wyrm (Model Below)
- Loki – Slasher B
- Medusa – Pool Party
- Mordred – Hot Killer
- Nemesis – Vixen
- Nu Wa – Tech Suit
- Pele – Dark Overlord
- Pele – Supernova
- Poseidon – Crimson Kraken (Skin 3)
- Ra – Oblivion Seer (Skin 2)
- Sobek – Classic Shark (Model Below)
- Sol – Unknown (Skin 2) (Model Below)
- Thanatos – Thanatoast (Model Below)
- Thor – Frost Child
- Yemoja – Unknown (Model Below)
- Yemoja – Bee Queen
- Yemoja – Mastermind
Pink text highlights what’s new from this pts datamining vs what remains from previous datamining.
- SMITE 2 PlayStation Plus Welcome Pack
- Xbox Game Pass SMITE 2 Welcome Pack
- Kali
- Aspect of Blood
- Odin
- Aspect of
- Ability 2
- Buff: Bonus Increased Strength and Movement Speed
- Duration: 5s
- Attack Speed: 15 to 55%
- Srength: 7 to 35
- Ability 3
- Slow per Stack: 20
- Damage: 45 to 125 [45% Scaling]
- Slow Duration: 2 to 2.8s
- Mana Cost: 45 to 65
- Ability 2
- Aspect of
Deity 135 – Hastur
Hastur is the next deity after Princess Bari
- Basic Attack
- Passive
- Ability 1
- Ability 2
- Ability 3
- Ability 4
- Immortal and immune to Knockups, Slows, and Roots
10th February Bug
You have probably read or hear rumors about many gods being “leaked”. Apparently there was a bug on 10th February where Some gods could be seen in the live client. You also probably remember Killgoon reading a commentary about this in last week titan talk, which they said it was not possible, or true. We were notified by the user MetalByteJohn and apparently it was true.
We won’t publish everything, but just a few screenshots with the most important things for us.
The bug apparently confirmed out estimations and predictions, with the next released gods until Kali, with 1 slightly difference, King Arthur seems to be ready too. We started having a theory that we couldn’t confirm until now and is we think King Arthur might be a double release with Merlin (We are not sure if this will be a double release or both included in the same patch with different weeks of release).
And, this bug also confirms Kali is being worked on as we predicted in our dataminings, but as you know, she’s the new Smite 1 Fenrir, so she’s the next goddess
There are also other gods displayed in the screenshots that were previously in our datamined list. We recommend not giving them much importance until we confirm them in our list of arriving at X date or patch, cause they don’t seem to be ready yet and doesn’t mean they’re released soon!
God Release Schedule & Smite 1 Gods
This list is a prediction made by us of when the gods will be released.
- 100% means confirmed by Hi-Rez + official week date.
- 99% means confirmed by Hi-Rez + no official week date, but we are confident it’s the right order.
- Above 50% means we are confident the god comes in that patch, but the order may not be correct.
- Below 50% means we are not sure if the patch is correct.
- Open Beta 7
- Cerberus (100% chance) -> Abilities below
- Open Beta 8
- Kali (100% chance)
- Open Beta 9
- Week 12 – Guan Yu (100% chance) -> Abilities below
- Open Beta 10
- Apollo (100% chance)
- Open Beta 11
- Hastur (100% chance)
- Open Beta 12+
- Scylla (60% chance)
- King Arthur (10% chance)
- Sun Wukong (10% chance)
- Pending gods
- All Gods are now included, which does not mean they’re being fully worked on, remember it! But at least they have a chance now!
- Ah Muzen Cab
- Ah Puch
- Ao Kuang
- Arachne
- Artio
- Atlas
- Bastet
- Baba Yaga
- Bakasura
- Bake Kujira
- Camazotz
- Chang’e
- Charon
- Charybdis
- Chernobog
- Chiron
- Chronos
- Cliodhna
- Cthulu
- Cu Chulainn
- Da Ji
- Discordia
- Erlang Shen
- Eset
- Fafnir
- Freya
- Ganesha
- Gilgamesh
- Hachiman
- He Bo
- Heimdallr
- Hel
- Hera
- Horus
- Hou Yi
- Ishtar
- Ix Chel
- Janus
- Jormungandr
- Kumbhakarna
- Kuzenbo
- Lancelot
- Maman Brigitte
- Martichoras
- Maui
- Mercury
- Morgan Le Fay
- Ne Zha
- Nike
- Nox
- Olorun
- Osiris
- Persephone
- Raijin
- Ratatoskr
- Ravana
- Serqet
- Set
- Shiva
- Skadi
- Sylvanus
- Surtr
- Sylvanus
- Thoth
- Tiamat
- Terra
- Tsukuyomi
- Tyr
- Vamana
- Xbalanque
- Xing Tian
- Yu Huang
- Zhong Kui
- Passive
- Any time a nearby enemy god is Healed, that Heal is reduced by 40% and you receive 80% of the Heal. The amount stolen is based off of the base heal effect and does not include any increase or reduction applied
- Ability 1
- Spit venom with your snake tail that passes through enemies dealing 20 to 150 [20%] Magical Damage. If your dog heads are alert, they also spit venom. Each head is alerted by landing a basic attack and all are alerted after Ghastly Breath is used. Hitting an enemy with all 4 projectiles Stuns them
3 Chain hit. 1, 0.5 and 1.5x damage and swing time. - Each projectile that hits the same target deals 20% less damage
- Damage: 20 to 150 [20% Scaling]
- Stun Duration: 1.1 to 1.5s
- Subsequent Hit Reduction Multiplier: 8%
- Spit venom with your snake tail that passes through enemies dealing 20 to 150 [20%] Magical Damage. If your dog heads are alert, they also spit venom. Each head is alerted by landing a basic attack and all are alerted after Ghastly Breath is used. Hitting an enemy with all 4 projectiles Stuns them
- Ability 2
- Your heads release a cone of noxious breath dealing 20 to 60 [12,5%] Magical Damage repeatedly to enemies in front of you. Enemies hit have their Protections reduced up to 3 times. Enemies in the center of the breath are Slowed up to 3 times. Firing this ability immediately alerts all of your heads
- Damage per Tick: 20 to 60
- Damage Scaling per Tick: 12,5%
- Slow % per Stack 8 to 12%
- Protection Reduction per Stack: 5 to 17
- Debuff Duration: 2s
- Ability 3
- Leap forward dealing 80 to 240 [60%] Magical Damage to enemies and severing their souls when you land. Killing a soul Heals you and reduces Soul Explosion’s cooldown by 2s
- Damage: 80 to 240
- Damage Scaling: 60%
- Soul Health: 50 to 150
- Heal per Minion: 12 to 40
- Heal per God: 20 to 100
- Cooldown Reduction: -2
- Ability 4
- Summon the souls of the damned, raising all enemy Gods into the air and dealing 180 to 480 [55%] Magical Damage to them before pulling them in front of you. Using this ability alerts all of your heads
- This ability can be cleansed
- Damage: 180 to 480
- Damage Scaling: 55%
- Knockback Immunity Duration: 1.2s
- Passive
Guan Yu
- Basic Attack
- 4 Hits
- Passive – Battle Fervor
- Gains stacks of Fervor when dealing or taking damage. Resolve provides Attack Speed per stack. At Maximum Stacks it provides more Attack Speed
- Attack Speed Per Stack: 1
- Attack Speed At Max Stacks: 40%
- Ability 1
- Heals Nearby Allies
- Healing allied gods reduces your and your allies cooldowns
- Healing Base: 55 to 215
- Heal Scaling: 20% INT
- Self Cooldown Reduction: -2s
- Ally Cooldown Reduction: -1s
- Mana Cost: 45
- Cooldown: 14s
- Radius: 4.8m
- Ability 2
- Dash forward, dealing damage to and slowing enemies you pass through. Hitting enemy gods reduces your cooldowns
- Base Damage: 80 to 300
- Str Scaling: 60%
- Slow: 30 to 40%
- Slow Scaling: 2% INT
- Slow Duration: 2s
- Cooldown Reduction On Target Hit: 2s
- Cost: 50
- Cooldown: 13s
- Radius: 5m
- Ability 3
- Swing your blade in a flurry, dealing 17 to 57 [20% STR + 12,5% INT] Physical Damage repeatedly and stealing their protections.
- Damages 10 times in 3s.
- Every 25% Attack Speed causes it to damage 1 additional time
- Damage Per Hit: 17 to 57
- Protections Stolen: 3 to 15
- Prot Stolen Scaling: 0,17% INT
- Protections Duration: 5s
- Cost: 55 to 75
- Cooldown: 13s
- Range: 4,8m
- Ability 4
- Mount a warhorse gaining crowd control immunity. Strike enemies while riding dealing damage. Dismount with a final swing that deals damage and stuns all enemies hit.
- Enemies hit by previous strikes take increased damage from the strike.
- Swing faster as you gain Attack Speed
- Base Damage: 85 to 185
- STR Scaling: 30% STR + 20% INT
- Damage Escalation Per Hit: 2%
- Slow Duration: 2s
- Stun Duration: 1.5s
- Slow: 30 to 40%
- Mana Cost: 80 to 120
- Cooldown: 90s
- Radius: 3,2m
- Basic Attack
- 3 Chain hit. 1, 0.5 and 1.5x damage and swing time.
- Passive – Marked For Death
- Ability 1
- Base Damage: 35/70/105/140/175 [55% STR]
- Ability 2
- Ability 3
- Ability 4
- Immortal and immune to Knockups, Slows, and Roots