Saturday , 15 March 2025

Smite 6 R5 Neo Olympia Datamining ??? Is Persephone confirmed? First file mention

Is persephone confirmed?

Datamining is a way of obtaining early data on what Hi-Rez is working. Sometimes the data is not enough clear and our interpretation may be wrong or inaccurate. Due to this, please remember data may change or never reach final build, do not take datamining as real data but an estimation of what’s to come.

Skins and content is usually 100% accurate, but Gods and Gamemodes data is sometimes inaccurate.

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Remember Post is also added to Reddit, I use it as main comment source! Link to Reddit Post??

This is a new post, as addendum for latest dataminig post (Neo olympia) just to inform that persephone may be confirmed as next goddess.


The user??/u/marlonball??spotted it in the voicepacks which I upload (I don’t usually check every voice packs so I missed it).

You can directly see and listen the taunt by:

  1. Click in the link to access Smite Board:??

  2. When you’re there, at your right side you should see a button called SWITCH TO VOX, Click it.

  3. Scroll down through the list until you find “Taunt_Directed_Persephone”

  4. Click the sound and listen it.

You can read the last datamining, clicking here.

Persephone Concept Arts

These are some interesting concepts I found, sources:

About FAERayo

Datamining Smite since 2013 and Paladins since 2015. Game dev

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