Monday , 16 September 2024

Search Results for: abilities

Smite Datamining – Ratatoskr assasin confirmed and acorn info

Hey guys! Some of you may know it or not but looks like Hi-Rez didn’t hide some info. They have revealed (by error or not) some new info about ratatoskr and the acorn (it’s shown on smite api). I’ve been able to take all that info by doing some POST request and avoiding their javascript script which would replace all …

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Smite PTS Datamining – Awesome Ratatoskr & more

3d Models Voice Packs Ratatoskr If you want to know old info from datamined Ratatoskr read this post and compare. Throws Acorns You are currently digging up an acorn. Acorn Purchase Looks like you will be able to purchase an acorn. Acorn White Yellow Increases speed when used with ability Tail Spin. Blue This one can hit actors. Stacks. Dart. …

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Smite Datamining – Hou Yi Skill set, new cupid skin

Hey there; Hou Yi whole kit is now datamined, this info is kinda merged with old and new kit, I’m not sure what gonna be the new one but i Bet for: New #1, tri shot, new skill #3 and sunbreaker as ult. I would say chase the sun should be an old one. Please enjoy the info, Hou Yi’s …

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