Sunday , 7 July 2024

Gigantic Datamining – Beckett new Hero

Beckket is a new hero for Gigantic. Know all about it.

This is a Gigantic datamining post, this means you should not take this information as final or true.

All of this info is taken from Gigantic files and any or all info may change in the future.


  • Beckett
    • Tactical Shooter

Beckett Skills

    • Shoot from your current weapon. Requires Ammo.
    • Rapid boost to movement in any direction
    • Tap 3 to switch between machine pistols and cannon.
    • Throws a Grenade.
    • Target an area on the ground. A series of missiles is fired at the closest enemy.

Beckett Passives

Level 5 Passives

  •  Precision
    • Crit chance builds faster.
  • En Garde
    • +10 front armor, +20 while attacking.
  • Skirmishing
    • Faster stamina regen. Out of combat health regen starts 2x sooner.
  • Hit and Run
    • For 6s, +10% Speed and +25 armor after using Focus.
  • Angular Momentum
    • +20% damage from behind and after dodging.

Level 7 Passives

  • Battle Fury
    • Gain 10% Focus charge for each kill or death.
  • Dominator
    • +15% damage while on a killing spree. (3+ kills without dying.)
  • Will to Power
    • +15% damage and +25 armor after using Focus.
  • Shredder
    • 30% armor penetration.
  • Bloody Minded
    • Immunity to Weakness. Recover from Daze twice as fast.

Level 9 Passives

  • Her’s Might
    • +10% damage.
  • Her’s Vitality
    • +15% maximum health.
  • Endurance
    • +33% maximum stamina.
  • Perseverance
    • For 6s, +75 hp/s and hit reaction immunity after using Focus.
  • Concentration
    • 20% faster focus gain.

Beckett Upgrades

  • Upgrade for Ability 1, Tree A0 – Speed Shooter
    • Higher rate of fire for machine pistols.
  • Upgrade for Ability 1, Tree A1 – Distance and Speed
    • Machine pistols damage at long range is increased.
  • Upgrade for Ability 1, Tree B0 – Heavcy Weapons
    • More damage for machine pistols, but less accurate and more recoil.
  • Upgrade for Ability 1, Tree B1 – Flesh Wounds
    • Machine pistols +50% armor penetration.
  • Upgrade for Ability 1, Tree B2 – Stopping Power
    • Machine pistols deals increased damage to the front.
  • Upgrade for Ability 2, Tree B0 – Afterburner
    • Leaves a trail of fire on the ground behind you while jet-packing.
  • Upgrade for Ability 3, Tree A0 – Effective Time
    • Effects of switching weapons lasts an extra second.
  • Upgrade for Ability 3, Tree B0 – Armor Up
    • Switching weapons gives bonus armor for 2 seconds.
  • Upgrade for Ability 3, Tree B1 – Immunity
    • Switching weapons grants 1 second of immunity to stuns, launches, and interrupts.
  • Upgrade for Ability 4, Tree A0 – Frag Grenade
    • Grenade deals extra damage and has a larger radius.
  • Upgrade for Ability 4, Tree A1 – Smart Grenade
    • If the grenade hits an enemy, it explodes instantly.
  • Upgrade for Ability 4, Tree A2 – Flashbang
    • Throws a flashbang which briefly dazes enemies (damage is dramatically reduced).

Images Gallery of Beckett

About FAERayo

Datamining Smite since 2013 and Paladins since 2015.Game dev

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