Sunday , 7 July 2024

Paladins OB 46 Datamining – Seris (Oracle) Cards and Flak (Fairy)

Seris & Flak are the next ones to join the realm.

Post is now under finished phase. It means there’s no more planned updates, anyway stay tuned until tomorrow in the case I may find anything extra.

Also, follow @SmiteDatamining for up to date news

Remember Post is also added to Reddit, I use it as main comment source! Link to Reddit Post

New Cosmetics

  • Kinessa – Space Hunter
    • Comes with a quest? Or something related to a quest
    • It’s a collection
  • MalDamba – Victorian
  • Makoa – Volcanic
  • Sha Lin – Burrito
    • Spring Test Horse Mount
    • Sha Lin Horse Test

Flak (Fairy Prototype)

I guess real name and prototype names came easier this time, but as always remember they may be temporal or wrong matched like lawman! Spinfusor is known as a tribes weapon.

  • Description
    • Standard Spinfusor
  • Ability – Dead Zone
    • Deployable
  • Ability – Cluster Bomb
    • Like a grenade
    • Spawns more projectiles or bombs
  • Ability – Fly like a Fairy
  • Disc Jump
    • [Weapon] Gain 1600 knock up when hitting yourself with Spinfusor.

Remember Post is also added to Reddit, I use it as main comment source! Link to Reddit Post

Seris (Oracle Prototype)

Oracle (or now Seris) seems to be the next champion to arrive!

  • Description / Others
    • Seris
    • Heal your allies and harm your enemies by channeling the power of the Abyss.
    • Cursed
  • Soul Orb
    • Direct Damage
    • Stacks up to 10 Orbs
  • Ability – Restore Soul
    • Heals a Target
  • Ability – Shadow Travel
  • Ability – Rend Soul
    • Direct Damage
    • Should make use of the stacks
  • Ability – Dark Convergence
    • Area Damage
    • Damages to a max of 5 Targets
    • Pulls 5 targets
    • Some beam FX
    • I think it pulls like Hades Ultimate, slowly.
    • Works as a projectile? Like you throw a grenade to ground and it pulls people?
  • [TALENT] – Agony
    • Rend Soul Now applies a 1.5s Stun to the victim when they are afflicted with 3 soul charges.
  • [TALENT] – Abyssal Fury
    • Targets of Restore Soul gain 50% attack speed for the Duration.
  • [TALENT] – Mortal Reach

    • Increase the range of Restore Soul by 300% and the Duration by 1s.
  • [TALENT] – Soul Collector
    • You now store up to 4 absorbed souls increasing your Maximum Health and Movement speed by 8% per Soul. Souls Clear on Death.
  • Revenant I, II, III, IV
    • [Armor] Increase your Maximum Health by 50.
    • [Armor] Increase your Maximum Health by 100.
    • [Armor] Increase your Maximum Health by 150.
    • [Armor] Increase your Maximum Health by 200.
  • Sorceress I, II, III, IV
    • [Weapon] Gain 5% Reload Speed.
    • [Weapon] Gain 10% Reload Speed.
    • [Weapon] Gain 15% Reload Speed.
    • [Weapon] Gain 20% Reload Speed.
  • Umbral Gait I, II, III, IV
    • [Weapon] If an enemy is affected with a Soul Charge you move 8% faster
    • [Weapon] If an enemy is affected with a Soul Charge you move 16% faster
    • [Weapon] If an enemy is affected with a Soul Charge you move 24% faster
    • [Weapon] If an enemy is affected with a Soul Charge you move 32% faster
  • Ebon Dynamo  I, II, III, IV
    • [Weapon] Increase your Ammo count by 1.
    • [Weapon] Increase your Ammo count by 2.
    • [Weapon] Increase your Ammo count by 3.
    • [Weapon] Increase your Ammo count by 4.
  • Bane I, II, III, IV
    • [Rend Soul] Every Soul Charge you detonate reduces the Cooldown of Restore Soul by 0.2s.
  • Dark Whisper I, II, III, IV
    • [Shadow Travel] Increase your movement speed in Shadow Travel by 20%.
    • [Shadow Travel] Increase your movement speed in Shadow Travel by 40%.
    • [Shadow Travel] Increase your movement speed in Shadow Travel by 60%.
    • [Shadow Travel] Increase your movement speed in Shadow Travel by 80%.
  • Dusk Walker I, II, III, IV
    • [Shadow Travel] Reduce the Cooldown of Shadow Travel by 1s.
    • [Shadow Travel] Reduce the Cooldown of Shadow Travel by 2s.
    • [Shadow Travel] Reduce the Cooldown of Shadow Travel by 3s.
    • [Shadow Travel] Reduce the Cooldown of Shadow Travel by 4s.
  • Nether Siphon I, II, III, IV
    • [Shadow Travel] Heal for 50 Health every second while in Shadow Travel.
    • [Shadow Travel] Heal for 100 Health every second while in Shadow Travel.
    • [Shadow Travel] Heal for 150 Health every second while in Shadow Travel.
    • [Shadow Travel] Heal for 200 Health every second while in Shadow Travel.
  • Veil I, II, III, IV
    • [Shadow Travel] Reduce the cast time of Shadow Travel by 15%.
    • [Shadow Travel] Reduce the cast time of Shadow Travel by 30%.
    • [Shadow Travel] Reduce the cast time of Shadow Travel by 45%.
    • [Shadow Travel] Reduce the cast time of Shadow Travel by 60%.
  • Bane I, II, III, IV
    • [Rend Soul] Every Soul Charge you detonate reduces the Cooldown of Restore Soul by 0.2s.
    • [Rend Soul] Every Soul Charge you detonate reduces the Cooldown of Restore Soul by 0.4s.
    • [Rend Soul] Every Soul Charge you detonate reduces the Cooldown of Restore Soul by 0.6s.
    • [Rend Soul] Every Soul Charge you detonate reduces the Cooldown of Restore Soul by 0.8s.
  • Dark Sight  I, II, III, IV
    • [Rend Soul] Rend Soul Reveals enemies affected with Soul Charges for 1s.
    • [Rend Soul] Rend Soul Reveals enemies affected with Soul Charges for 2s.
    • [Rend Soul] Rend Soul Reveals enemies affected with Soul Charges for 3s.
    • [Rend Soul] Rend Soul Reveals enemies affected with Soul Charges for 4s.
  • Essence Rip I, II, III, IV
    • [Rend Soul] Rend Soul heals you for 8% more.
    • [Rend Soul] Rend Soul heals you for 16% more.
    • [Rend Soul] Rend Soul heals you for 24% more.
    • [Rend Soul] Rend Soul heals you for 32% more.
  • Wickedness I, II, III, IV
    • [Rend Soul] Reduce the Cooldown of Rend Soul by 0.5s.
    • [Rend Soul] Reduce the Cooldown of Rend Soul by 1s.
    • [Rend Soul] Reduce the Cooldown of Rend Soul by 1.5s.
    • [Rend Soul] Reduce the Cooldown of Rend Soul by 2s.
  • Blood Pact I, II, III, IV
    • [Restore Soul] While channeling Restore Soul you heal yourself for 70 Health per second.
    • [Restore Soul] While channeling Restore Soul you heal yourself for 140 Health per second.
    • [Restore Soul] While channeling Restore Soul you heal yourself for 210 Health per second.
    • [Restore Soul] While channeling Restore Soul you heal yourself for 280 Health per second.
  • Fade to Black I, II, III, IV
    • [Restore Soul] Restore Soul reduces the Cooldown of Shadow Travel by 0.5s every second while channeling.
    • [Restore Soul] Restore Soul reduces the Cooldown of Shadow Travel by 1s every second while channeling.
    • [Restore Soul] Restore Soul reduces the Cooldown of Shadow Travel by 1.5s every second while channeling.
    • [Restore Soul] Restore Soul reduces the Cooldown of Shadow Travel by 2s every second while channeling.
  • Soul Forge I, II, III, IV
    • [Restore Soul] Reduce the Cooldown of Restore Soul by 0.5s.
    • [Restore Soul] Reduce the Cooldown of Restore Soul by 1s.
    • [Restore Soul] Reduce the Cooldown of Restore Soul by 1.5s.
    • [Restore Soul] Reduce the Cooldown of Restore Soul by 2s.
  • Spirit Leech I, II, III, IV
    • [Restore Soul] Every Second channeling Restore Soul generates 2 ammo.
    • [Restore Soul] Every Second channeling Restore Soul generates 4 ammo.
    • [Restore Soul] Every Second channeling Restore Soul generates 6 ammo.
    • [Restore Soul] Every Second channeling Restore Soul generates 8 ammo.

About FAERayo

Datamining Smite since 2013 and Paladins since 2015.Game dev

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Paladins OB 61 Datamining – Cosmetics, Churchill, Vanguard and Rider

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