Sunday , 7 July 2024

Smite 4.8 Live Datamining – Cu Chulainn Skills and Adventure Changes

Live 4.8 Datamining, found cu chulain abilities, more skins and adventure changes!

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Changelog – Live updates

  • 14:30 – Added Misc
  • 14:45 – Added Adventure Changes
  • 14:50 – Added New Skins
  • 14:55 – Added Cu Chulainn Skills

Misc Changes

This post only covers small changes from PTS to Live, for more 4.8 Datamining check its own post here

  • Summer Chest
    • Each Summertime chest has a chance of unlocking one of the items displayed.
    • Each Summertime chest has a chance of unlocking one of the items displayed, exclusive Summer of Smite skins, Grand Slam, or Olympian skin.
  • Ruby word appeared between “Gold” and “Diamond”. There’s a chance Ruby skins are coming.
  • Conquest Performance No Trees
  • Some Punish system things, can’t really gather much info for now or if it’s the already implemented system

New Skins

  • New! – Poseidon
  • New! – Ravana
  • New! – Rama
  • New! – Daji (Probably Tier2)
  • New! – Jing Wei
  • Aphrodite (Skin 7)
  • Camazotz (Skin 4)
  • Medusa (Skin 6)
  • Hercules (Skin 8) Knight Skin — Included in Adventure Bundle
  • Kuzenbo (Skin 3) — Included in Gold Vault
  • Osiris (Skin 5 & Skin 6)
    • Dark Night
    • White Knight

Da Ji

To avoid too much OLD information in tthis post, if you want to know about Da Ji check PTS 4.8 Datamining check its own post here

Cu Chulainn

Cu Chulainn was known for converting himself into a rage, berserker or war mode with more strenght. Some also say he converted into a monster. Anyway it seems like Hi-Rez is going through this way with his Berserk Mode.

To avoid too much OLD information in tthis post, if you want to know about Da Ji check PTS 4.8 Datamining check its own post here

  • Passive?
    • Ability: Buff
    • Instead of using Mana, Cu Chulainn has Ferocity, which is capped at 100. He may not regen more than 30. He gains Ferocity upon hitting with his Basic Attacks and Abilities, as well as upon he or his allies taking Damage. If Cu Chulainn remains above 75 Ferocity for more than 3s, he goes Berserk. While Berserk, Cu Chulainns Ultimate is replaced by a War Yell, and his Basic Attack chain is altered to include an AOE Ground Pound and a Knockback as his 3rd and 6th hit respectively. He also gains movement speed, and maximum health (healed to match % of current max health).
    • Ferocity Threshold: 75%
  • #1 Skill – Barbed Spear
    • Description: Cu Chulainn thrusts his spear forward, damaging all enemies in front of him.
    • Damage: 90,135,180,225,270 +55% of your Physical Power
    • Cost: 50,60,70,80,90
    • Cooldown: 10s
  • #2 Skill – Vent Steam
    • Description: Cu Chulainn vents his anger as superheated steam, increasing his movement speed and draining his Ferocity. Every .5s while in this state, all enemies within 22.5 units are damaged by the heat. This damage increases by 5% for each consecutive hit they take (up to a maximum of 3) but resets upon Cu Chulainn taking damage.
    • Damage per Second: 20,25,30,35,40 +5% of your Physical Power
    • Movement Speed: 20%
    • Cost: Unknown Amount every 0.5s
    • Cooldown: 2s
  • #3 Skill – Salmon’s Leap
    • Ability: Leap
    • Range: 35
    • Description: Cu Chulainn vaults over his spear, leaping to a target location and slamming it down to damage enemies around and in front of him.
    • Damage: 70,130,190,250,310 +60% of your Physical Power
    • Cost: 60,65,70,75,80
    • Cooldown: 14s
  • #4 Skill – Gae Bulg
    • Radius: 30
    • Description: Cu Chulainn swings his spear in a circle around him, Damaging and Knocking Up all Enemies.
    • Damage: 100,200,300,400,500 +65% of your Physical Power
    • Slow: 30% for 2s
    • Cost: 100
    • Cooldown: 75s

Dungeon Adventure

This post only covers small changes from PTS to Live, for more 4.8 Datamining check its own post here

  • Creatures & Bosses
    • Boss Boar -> Erymanthian Boar
    • Boss Hydra -> Lernean Hydra
    • Boss Lion -> Nemean Lion
    • Cave Lizard -> Basilisk
    • Cyclops Guard Small -> Cyclops Trainee
    • Cyclops Rogue -> Cyclops Assassin
    • Cylops Thief -> Cyclops Cutpurse
    • Baboon Big -> Baboon Mage
    • Hyena Big -> Hyena Warrior
    • Mage Small -> Mage Apprentice
    • Turtle Big -> Overwhelming Turtle
    • Turtle Small -> Underwhelming  Turtle
    • Undead Melee -> Undead Knight
    • Undead Brute -> Undead Swordsman
    • New! – Behemoth
    • New! – Stone Titan

About FAERayo

Datamining Smite since 2013 and Paladins since 2015.Game dev

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