Sunday , 7 July 2024

Smite Datamining – Unused Zeus & Sol Skills

Do you wonder what Sol could’ve been? Discover her unused abilities.

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Zeus Unused Abilities

  • Flying Thunder
    • Zeus flashes to a target location, dealing damage and applying a charge when he lands.
    • Radius: 20
    • Range: 55
    • Damage: 70,110,150,190,240 +70% Magical Power
    • Cooldown: 12s
    • Cost: 55,60,65,70,75
  • Zeus Dual Wield
    • Zeus Summons a second lighting bolt, doubling how bad-ass he is, and increasing his attack speed. He also gains movement speed, and his basic attacks slow enemies.
    • Attack speed: 35,45,55,65,75%
    • Slow: 40%
  • Zeus Cannon
    • Zeus unleashes an electrical charge upon a single target enemy, damaging, interrupting, and slowing them 40% for 2s.
    • Damage: 90,140,190,240,290 +80%

Sol Unused Abilities

  • #Passive – Unknown
    • Sol leaves a thin trail of fire behind her, damaging enemies that enter it over time.
    • Damage: 10 + 15% Magical Power every 0,5s
  • #Unknown Ability Name
    • Sol unleashes a flair, lashing the target location, and damaging enemies. If it hits her trail from Unstable Manifestation, the trail explodes, dealing damage again and stunning along its entire length.
    • Damage: 90,140,190,240,290 +50% Magical Power
    • Trail Damage: 45,70,95,120,145 +25% Magical Power
    • Stun: 2s
    • Cooldown: 15,14,13,12,11
    • Cost: 60
  • #Unknown Ability Name
    • Sol dashes forward. If she hits an enemy she races around them quickly then leaps back to her original starting position.
    • Range: 55
    • Cooldown: 15,14,13,12,11
    • Cost: 70
  • #Unknown Ability Name
    • Sol archs out two curved lashes that slows enemies and deals damage split among all targets hit. If at 50% Instability targets are also stunned, the duration also split among the targets hit.
    • Range: 55
    • Damage: 90,140,190,240,290 +70% Magical Power
    • Slow: 40%
    • Duration: 1.5s
    • Cooldown: 10s
    • Cost: 60
  • #2 – Unknown Ability Name
    • Every time Sol deals damage with an ability she gains Attack Speed.
    • Active: Sols next basic attack creates a shockwave that deals damage all enemies in the area. If at 50% Instability the shockwave will retract after reaching maximum size, stunning enemies.
    • Area
    • Damage: 70,110,150,190,230 +50% Magical Power
    • Attack Speed: 10,15,20,25,30% for 5s
    • Cooldown: 10s
    • Cost: 60
  • #2 – Unknown Ability Name
    • Sols next basic attack creates a shockwave that explodes out, dealing damage, then retracts back, dealing damage again and slowing.
    • Ability: Buff
    • Damage: 40,70,100,130,160 +35% Magical Power
    • Slow: 15,20,25,30,35% for 2s
    • Heat: 10%
    • Cooldown: 10s
    • Cost: 60
  • #3 – Unknown Ability Name
    • Sol tosses Vulcans bomb that explodes in a radius on impact with the ground, damaging and SLOWING nearby enemies. If she detonates her trail they are stunned instead of slowed.
    • Radius: 15
    • Ground Target
    • Damage: 70,120,170,220,270 + 70% Magical Power
    • Cooldown: 10
    • Cost: 50,55,60,65,70
  • #Ultimate – Unknown Ability Name
    • Sol destroys the projection of her power, exploding with a fire-shock wave that deals damage to all enemies. She may reappear at any location within range of the explosion. Any enemy she reappears on top of is stunned.
    • Value: Area
    • Damage: 370,450,530,610,690 +100% Magical Power
    • Stun: 1s
    • Cooldown: 90s
    • Cost: 100

Treasure Chest

As said in previous datamining latam chests were coming, we now have their image.




About FAERayo

Datamining Smite since 2013 and Paladins since 2015.Game dev

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