Sunday , 7 July 2024

Smite Datamining – Achievements List, Clan Points & Medusa

Achievements have arrived to smite and it will change everything. Got bored of smite? Now you have things to do. 


  • Acid Shot
  • Viper Shot
    • Number of snake debuff that can be applied.
    • Snakes are attacking you!
    • You are taking damage over time.
  • Pheromones
    • Stim when using excess snake stacks.
    • Applied to enemies when snake stacks remain.


  • Jealous
    • Aphrodite kissed an enemy god, enraging you and causing you to deal more damage.


  • Clan Levels


Apparently there are some kind of awards, some of them to give you them immediatly so we will probably be watching that in our screen during the game, like a steam award.


There’s a kind of achievements that have tiers, each tier requires the quantity listed below.

Tier List

  • Bronze
    • 1 of this.
  • Silver
    • 25 of this.
  • Gold
    • 100 of this.
  • Platinum
    • 500 of this.
  • Diamond
    • 1000 of this.

And these, are the following Achievements with tier list. I will only post their name and required mission as you already know how much you will need for each tier listed above.

Also, some may be different from default, in that case it will be pointed like this: Achievement name (1,2,3,4,5) each one referring to each tier in order from bronze to diamond.


  • All About Conquest (Conquest Game Mode)
  • Assault (Play Assault Game Mode)
  • Competitor (Play League Matches)
  • Gladiator
  • Joust (Play Joust Game Mode)
  • Siege (Play Siege Game Mode)
  • Placed in League (Place in each tier of league and adds Master, this one doesn’t use quantity).
  • Teamed Up (Matches played in party 1, 20, 50, 100)


  • Double Kills (Get Double Kill)
  • Triple Kills (Get Triple Kill)
  • Quadra Kills (Get Quadra Kill)
  • Penta Kills (Get Penta Kill)
  • God Kills (Get God Kill)
  • Shut Down (Get Shut Down)
  • Tower Killer (Kill Tower)
  • Objective Steals (10, 20, 500, 100, 500)
  • Objective Killer – FG or GF (1, 10, 50, 100, 500)
  • Poor Minions (Kill minions 100, 1000, 10000, 50000, 100000)
  • Sprees (Get Killing spree 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000)
  • Healer (Heal in total 10000, 50000, 10000, 100000, 250000)

Gods & Player

  • Avatar Icon (Own Avatar icon 1, 10, 20, 30, 40)
  • Event Master (Complete Events 1,2, 5, 10, 20)
  • Diamonds Are Forever (5, 10, 15,
  • Gods (Own Gods 10, 20, 30, 40, 50)
  • God Assists (100, 1000, 5000, 10000, 25000)
  • Fashion Forward (God Skins owned 10, 25, 50, 75, 100)
  • War Skins (Own Ward Skins 1, 5, 10, 20,30)

Friend & Clan

  • I Like You (Friends in list 1, 5, 25, 50, 80)
  • Friends Forever (Play hours with friend 5, 10, 25, 100,250)
  • Honorable (Earn honor 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000)
  • Clan Buddies (Friends from list in your clan 1, 5, 10, 15, 20)
  • Clan Quests (Complete quest with your clan 1, 5, 10, 25, 50)
  • Clan Together (Play hours with clan member in party 1, 10, 50, 100)

The following Achievements are not attached to tiers and are earned once you complete the requeriment.

Combat & In Game

  • 20 to 1
    • You killed or assisted kills against enemy gods more than 20 time in a single match, and only died once.
  • After Effect
    • Kill an enemy god after it had already killed you.
  • Beast Master
    • Summon 20 Siege Monsters in Siege Mode.
  • Beast Slayer
    • Get the killing blow on a Siege Monster in Siege Mode.
  • Cleanup Crew
    • Kill 3 enemy gods with a single ability.
  • Come Back
    • Win a match where your team has killed twice as many gods as the enemy team.
  • Death From Above
    • Killed 25 gods from damage dealth by landing from a leap.
  • Destructible
    • Destroy an enemy tower in Conquest Mode or Siege Mode before 8:00 on the in-game clock.
  • Domination
    • Win a match where your team has killed twice as many gods as the enemy team.
  • Fast Blood
    • You have earned First Blood in any game mode before 0:00 on the in-game clock.
  • Feel the Fury
    • Reach the maximum Attack Speed of 2.5 in a single match.
  • Final Form
    • Kill 5 enemy gods with a single ability.
  • First Blood
  • Fooled You
    • Get the killing blow on an enemy god using damage reflect. (Ability or Hide/SoTU)
  • Fortitude
    • Increase your maximum health above 4000 on a Guardian or Warrior in a single match.
  • Freeze
    • Stun 15 enemy gods.
  • Good Game
    • Complete a match with 5 or more kills, 10 or more Assists, and 2 or fewer deaths.
  • Hard Carry
    • You killed more than 20 enemy gods in a single Conquest match.
  • Helping Hand
    • Assist each kill of another players Penta-Kill.
  • Kaboom
    • Dealt more than 1500 damage with a single ability.
  • Last Hit
    • Get 20 last-hit minion kills using basic attacks in a single match.
  • Limit Them
    • Disarm or Silence 10 enemy gods.
  • Line them Up
    • Hit 3 different enemy gods with a single ability. (Don’t need to kill).
  • Monster Hunter
    • In one match get the killing blow on 3 different types of jungle buffs.
  • Monster Madness
    • In one match get the killing blow on 5 jungle camps of any type.
  • No Escape
    • Kill an enemy that is currently leaping in the air an un-hittable. (Done via DoTs, usually).
  • Objective Hunter
    • In one match get the killing blow on both the Fire Giant and Gold Fury
  • One to Nothing
    • Win an Arena Match where you team has only 1 ticket remaining.
  • Perfect
    • Get the killing blow on an enemy god without taking damage from them.
  • Plucked
    • Knocked Back or Thrown 15 enemy gods that were outside your towers radius into your towers radius
  • Precise Shot
    • Get a double kill where both kills were the result of ranged basic attacks.
  • Push
    • Push 10 minions into the enemy portal in Arena.
  • Question Later
    • You dealt damage to every enemy player in Arena, before any of them dealt damage to you.
  • Survivor
    • Survived more than 50 battles with less than 10% health. (Exited combat)
  • That’s Far Enough
    • Root or Cripple 15 enemy gods.


  • Art of War
    • Mastered 5 Warriors.
  • Assassin For Hire
    • Mastered 5 Assassins.
  • Getting Physical
    • Mastered 20 of the Physical Damage gods.
  • God Mastery
    • Mastered X Gods, one achievement per each 10 mastered.
  • Join the Hunt
    • 5 Mastered Hunters.
  • Love to Guard
    • 5 Mastered Guardians.
  • Once a Mage
    • Mastered 5 Mages.
  • Pantheist
    • Played a god from each Pantheon.
  • Trial by Fire
    • Win at least one match with 25 different gods.
  • You’re Magical
    • Mastered 20 of the Magical Damage gods.

Objectives & Maps

  • Down to the Wire
    • Win and Arena match where your team has only 20 tickets remaining.
  • First Win
    • Get first win of the day in 3 different game modes in one day.
  • Flaming Speed
    • Your team killed the Fire Giant in Conquest by 10:30 on the in-game clock.
  • Golden Greed
    • Your team killed the Gold Fury in Conquest before 3:00 on the in-game clock.
  • I Will Find Them
    • Destroy 25 enemy wards.
  • Last Man Standing
    • Be the only god left alive, and not awaiting respawn, on either team in Conquest, Assault, or Arena.
  • Original Conquest
    • You played in the original live version of Conquest, before its re-work.
  • Reborn
    • Win a game of Conquest, Siege, or Joust after one of your Phoenixes was destroyed.
  • Super Cheer
    • Win an Arena match with more than 100 tickets remaining.
  • What a HOG
    • Killed 50 buff camp monsters using Hand of the Gods.

Player & Clan

  • Achievement Processing Class
    • Recurring reward for winning
  • Beta Player
    • You reached level 30 in the SMITE Beta. (earned Cacodemon Ymir Skin)
  • Clan War
    • Won a battle in the Clan Battle or 5-Man Premade Queue while in a party of only your clan members.
  • Join A Clan
    • Join A Clan
  • Jump, Jump
    • You have leaped over 100 times with gods that have leaps.
  • Maxed Out
    • Pleayer Reaches lvl 30.

Special Events

  • Special Event A
    • Completed Special Event Weekend A: Earned Reward.
  • Special Event B
    • Completed Special Event Weekend B: Earned Reward.
  • Special Event C
    • Completed Special Event Weekend C: Earned Reward.
  • Special Event D
    • Completed Special Event Weekend D: Earned Reward.
  • Special Event E
    • Completed Special Event Weekend E: Earned Reward.


About FAERayo

Datamining Smite since 2013 and Paladins since 2015.Game dev

Check Also

Smite 2 Datamining – Upcoming Cross Gen Skins

Smite 2 – Alpha datamining

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