Thursday , 11 July 2024

Smite Datamining – Listado de logros, Puntos de Clan y Medusa

Han llegado los logros, si te aburrías ahora tienes una razón para no aburrirte nunca más.


  • Acid Shot
  • Viper Shot
    • Número de debuff por serpiente que pueden ser aplicados.
    • Las serpientes están atacándote!
    • Estás recibiendo daño por tiempo.
  • Pheromones
    • Estimulación (buff) cuándo tienes serpientes en exceso.
    • Aplicado a enemigos cuándo quedan serpientes.


  • Niveles de Clan.


Aparentemente hay algunos tipos de premios, algunos se dan cuándo estás jugando y lo acabas de obtener y otros a lo largo del juego.


Hay algunos logros que automáticamente tienen varios rangos desde bronce a diamante y cada uno requiere obtener más logros para conseguirlo. Esta tabla te dirá cuánto necesita cada rango por defecto aunque hay algunos que requieren una cantidad diferente y será indicado entre parentesis.

  • Bronze
    • 1
  • Silver
    • 25
  • Gold
    • 100
  • Platinum
    • 500
  • Diamond
    • 1000

Estos son los logros que actualmente usan la lista de rangos. Sólo se posteará su nombre y lo que requiere para obtenerse. En caso de tener diferentes cantidades será indicado entre parentesis, por ejemplo: (10,20,30,40,50) cada uno refiriéndose a un rango desde bronze el de la izquierda y diamante derecha.

Modos de Juego

  • All About Conquest (Conquest Game Mode)
  • Assault (Play Assault Game Mode)
  • Competitor (Play League Matches)
  • Gladiator
  • Joust (Play Joust Game Mode)
  • Siege (Play Siege Game Mode)
  • Placed in League (Place in each tier of league and adds Master, this one doesn’t use quantity).
  • Teamed Up (Matches played in party 1, 20, 50, 100)


  • Double Kills (Get Double Kill)
  • Triple Kills (Get Triple Kill)
  • Quadra Kills (Get Quadra Kill)
  • Penta Kills (Get Penta Kill)
  • God Kills (Get God Kill)
  • Shut Down (Get Shut Down)
  • Tower Killer (Kill Tower)
  • Objective Steals (10, 20, 500, 100, 500)
  • Objective Killer – FG or GF (1, 10, 50, 100, 500)
  • Poor Minions (Kill minions 100, 1000, 10000, 50000, 100000)
  • Sprees (Get Killing spree 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000)
  • Healer (Heal in total 10000, 50000, 10000, 100000, 250000)

Dioses y Jugador

  • Avatar Icon (Own Avatar icon 1, 10, 20, 30, 40)
  • Event Master (Complete Events 1,2, 5, 10, 20)
  • Diamonds Are Forever (5, 10, 15,
  • Gods (Own Gods 10, 20, 30, 40, 50)
  • God Assists (100, 1000, 5000, 10000, 25000)
  • Fashion Forward (God Skins owned 10, 25, 50, 75, 100)
  • War Skins (Own Ward Skins 1, 5, 10, 20,30)

Amigo y Clan

  • I Like You (Friends in list 1, 5, 25, 50, 80)
  • Friends Forever (Play hours with friend 5, 10, 25, 100,250)
  • Honorable (Earn honor 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000)
  • Clan Buddies (Friends from list in your clan 1, 5, 10, 15, 20)
  • Clan Quests (Complete quest with your clan 1, 5, 10, 25, 50)
  • Clan Together (Play hours with clan member in party 1, 10, 50, 100)

Los siguientes logros no están atados a rangos y se consiguen una vez completas la descripción.

Combate y Dentro del Juego

  • 20 to 1
    • You killed or assisted kills against enemy gods more than 20 time in a single match, and only died once.
  • After Effect
    • Kill an enemy god after it had already killed you.
  • Beast Master
    • Summon 20 Siege Monsters in Siege Mode.
  • Beast Slayer
    • Get the killing blow on a Siege Monster in Siege Mode.
  • Cleanup Crew
    • Kill 3 enemy gods with a single ability.
  • Come Back
    • Win a match where your team has killed twice as many gods as the enemy team.
  • Death From Above
    • Killed 25 gods from damage dealth by landing from a leap.
  • Destructible
    • Destroy an enemy tower in Conquest Mode or Siege Mode before 8:00 on the in-game clock.
  • Domination
    • Win a match where your team has killed twice as many gods as the enemy team.
  • Fast Blood
    • You have earned First Blood in any game mode before 0:00 on the in-game clock.
  • Feel the Fury
    • Reach the maximum Attack Speed of 2.5 in a single match.
  • Final Form
    • Kill 5 enemy gods with a single ability.
  • First Blood
  • Fooled You
    • Get the killing blow on an enemy god using damage reflect. (Ability or Hide/SoTU)
  • Fortitude
    • Increase your maximum health above 4000 on a Guardian or Warrior in a single match.
  • Freeze
    • Stun 15 enemy gods.
  • Good Game
    • Complete a match with 5 or more kills, 10 or more Assists, and 2 or fewer deaths.
  • Hard Carry
    • You killed more than 20 enemy gods in a single Conquest match.
  • Helping Hand
    • Assist each kill of another players Penta-Kill.
  • Kaboom
    • Dealt more than 1500 damage with a single ability.
  • Last Hit
    • Get 20 last-hit minion kills using basic attacks in a single match.
  • Limit Them
    • Disarm or Silence 10 enemy gods.
  • Line them Up
    • Hit 3 different enemy gods with a single ability. (Don’t need to kill).
  • Monster Hunter
    • In one match get the killing blow on 3 different types of jungle buffs.
  • Monster Madness
    • In one match get the killing blow on 5 jungle camps of any type.
  • No Escape
    • Kill an enemy that is currently leaping in the air an un-hittable. (Done via DoTs, usually).
  • Objective Hunter
    • In one match get the killing blow on both the Fire Giant and Gold Fury
  • One to Nothing
    • Win an Arena Match where you team has only 1 ticket remaining.
  • Perfect
    • Get the killing blow on an enemy god without taking damage from them.
  • Plucked
    • Knocked Back or Thrown 15 enemy gods that were outside your towers radius into your towers radius
  • Precise Shot
    • Get a double kill where both kills were the result of ranged basic attacks.
  • Push
    • Push 10 minions into the enemy portal in Arena.
  • Question Later
    • You dealt damage to every enemy player in Arena, before any of them dealt damage to you.
  • Survivor
    • Survived more than 50 battles with less than 10% health. (Exited combat)
  • That’s Far Enough
    • Root or Cripple 15 enemy gods.


  • Art of War
    • Mastered 5 Warriors.
  • Assassin For Hire
    • Mastered 5 Assassins.
  • Getting Physical
    • Mastered 20 of the Physical Damage gods.
  • God Mastery
    • Mastered X Gods, one achievement per each 10 mastered.
  • Join the Hunt
    • 5 Mastered Hunters.
  • Love to Guard
    • 5 Mastered Guardians.
  • Once a Mage
    • Mastered 5 Mages.
  • Pantheist
    • Played a god from each Pantheon.
  • Trial by Fire
    • Win at least one match with 25 different gods.
  • You’re Magical
    • Mastered 20 of the Magical Damage gods.

Objetivos y Mapas

  • Down to the Wire
    • Win and Arena match where your team has only 20 tickets remaining.
  • First Win
    • Get first win of the day in 3 different game modes in one day.
  • Flaming Speed
    • Your team killed the Fire Giant in Conquest by 10:30 on the in-game clock.
  • Golden Greed
    • Your team killed the Gold Fury in Conquest before 3:00 on the in-game clock.
  • I Will Find Them
    • Destroy 25 enemy wards.
  • Last Man Standing
    • Be the only god left alive, and not awaiting respawn, on either team in Conquest, Assault, or Arena.
  • Original Conquest
    • You played in the original live version of Conquest, before its re-work.
  • Reborn
    • Win a game of Conquest, Siege, or Joust after one of your Phoenixes was destroyed.
  • Super Cheer
    • Win an Arena match with more than 100 tickets remaining.
  • What a HOG
    • Killed 50 buff camp monsters using Hand of the Gods.

Jugador y Clan

  • Achievement Processing Class
    • Recurring reward for winning
  • Beta Player
    • You reached level 30 in the SMITE Beta. (earned Cacodemon Ymir Skin)
  • Clan War
    • Won a battle in the Clan Battle or 5-Man Premade Queue while in a party of only your clan members.
  • Join A Clan
    • Join A Clan
  • Jump, Jump
    • You have leaped over 100 times with gods that have leaps.
  • Maxed Out
    • Pleayer Reaches lvl 30.

Eventos Especiales

  • Special Event A
    • Completed Special Event Weekend A: Earned Reward.
  • Special Event B
    • Completed Special Event Weekend B: Earned Reward.
  • Special Event C
    • Completed Special Event Weekend C: Earned Reward.
  • Special Event D
    • Completed Special Event Weekend D: Earned Reward.
  • Special Event E
    • Completed Special Event Weekend E: Earned Reward.


About FAERayo

Datamining Smite since 2013 and Paladins since 2015.Game dev

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