Sunday , 7 July 2024

Smite Datamining – Spectate Password and more info about Khepri and Xing Tian

Latest datamining, some more info about xing tian, khepri and spectate password.

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Xing Tian

If you want to read more about Xing Tian, read more.

  • Enraged Sunder Armor (Probably Khepri)
    • If enraged, sunders enemy armor on each hit.
  • Enraged Knockback
    • If enraged, all enemies in cone at end of attack are knocked back.


If you want to read more about Khepri, read more.

  • Ultimate Resurrect
    • Not 100% sure but it’s possible you may have to select a target before he dies, then he revives and moves to your location.
  • Sun
    • root
    • Sphere projectile

Spectate / Replay password

  • This match requires a password to spectate.
    • Incorrect password to spectate match.


  • Horizons Bundle
    • G.E.B. 1, Space Hun Batz, Dread Queen Serqet, and Stargazer Anubis


  • You will revive upon death, have increased Power and Movement Speed, as well as Immunity from roots and slows.

About FAERayo

Datamining Smite since 2013 and Paladins since 2015.Game dev

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